Game Summaries & Headlines.

Tennis Wins 5-0 to Advance to Elite 8
7.0 years ago @ 9:30AM
- Game Date
- Oct 24, 2017
- Score
- LIONSLower Moreland High School: 5
On Tuesday the Girls Tennis team played Lansdale Catholic in the first round of the PIAA Team State Tourrnament. The Lady Lions rolled to a 5-0 win. In singles Ally Cheiken won her match 6-0 6-1. Elizabeth Berzin and Maeve McErlean each won 6-0 6-0. In doubles Gabby Zaydenberg and Alex Nerus also won in straight sets 6-0 6-0. Eliana Yi and Anastasia Shchurin were able to win 6-0 6-2.
The girls will advance to face Lancaster Catholic in the Elite 8 on Friday at 5:00 at the Hershey Racquet Club. Goodluck to our girls in States.